I'd like to thank Paul Burger for his total commitment, dedication and involvement in my career.
I'd also like to thank Tmmy Mottola for being there throughout this project,
for his great musical talent and for introducing me to Diane Warren and Walter Afanasieff.
Very special thanks to Mickey Schulhof, Susan and Bob Summer, Tom Tyrell and Bob Campbell for their everlasting support.
To Ann and Dave Glew, my love and appreciation. To Glen Brunman, thank you for caring the way you do.
To Vito Luprano, thank you for your sincrity and your friendship.
To Vito Luprano, Richard Zuckerman, John Doelp and Richard Griffiths, thank you for finding these great songs.
To Pete Anderson, thank you for helping plant the seed and for your continued belief.
To Polly Anthony, thank you for your enthusiasm, your faith in me and your hard work.
To Bill Rotari, thank you for bringing me to the attention of your Sony famiy - I hope I will always make you proud.
To Dave Platel, together we've travelled many, many miles throughout the world and you've always managed
to bring out the smile in me because of your great personality.
For this I thank you very much.
To Art Graham, thank you for your creative input.
To all my friends at Sony Music Canada
In Montreal:
Nat Merenda, Linda Passarelli, Lara Vesnaver,
Terry Chiazza, Bernard Bourbonnais, Zenta Ruethemann, Jean Lamotha & all the team;
In Toronto:
Don Oates, Bill Bannon, Kim Zayac, Liza Zbitnew, Rob Mitchell, Jane Whitaker, Rick Camilleri and all the team;
And to all my friends at Epic Records in the USA:
Vivian Piazza, Barbara Seltzer, Nancy Donald, Tom Genetti,
Lynn Forman, Larry Douglas, Patricia Bock, Julie Farman, Steve Einczig, Jim Scully and the entire team,
My utmost appreciaton for everything you are doing for me...
I love you all.